Features trailer:
- Price from 175.500 € per config
- Power requirement from 160 hp
- the model has own wheels
- brake back light
- The dust from the wheels
- Traces of wheels
- Dirt / Washable
- detailed model
- animated parts
Other info trailer:
- connectionHoses installed (hydraulics, compressed air, electrics)
- 3 animated fans installed (which do not dust the counter)
- Limited color choice installed (NH Yellow, NH Blue, Graphite Gray, Black, Stainless Steel)
- Limited rim color choice installed (NH White, Black, Stainless Steel)
- Color of the hubs changed from the PickUpWheels for rim color choice
- Warning panels installed and selectable via Config
- License plate u.40 km / h shield installed
- Maintenance intervals extended
- various xml parameters adjusted
- otherwise the mod has the usual standard functions