Not my creation, only fixed a couple things.
BGA now fully on the ground, turned straigt to be able to fill easier,
all purchase silo's removed from farm start locations
All building removed minus the big poll shed, now can place anywhere in the main farm area
Main Farm Field leveled to allow for a much larger main farm
no other changes made
I am pleased to introduce you my completely revised version of the map river valley. I took the criticism of the last version to heart. There are more than 500 hours of work in the card and I will continue to work on it. I have been able to make many improvements with a small test team many thanks for that! :)
Before I get to the details, I am a student and if you like the map you would really take a stone from my heart by donating a small amount to me. If not, I am also happy about a positive feedback. :)
The map
35 fields of all sizes
Approximately 10 woods
11 sales stations
3 courtyards
3 cities
Launch vehicles are also available on medium difficulty.
Changes in v2.0:
- 1 new gasfier plant
- 2 sawmills, replaced sawmill south and Rear now complete sawmills with log sales.
- woodship sales rear moved and now full size sawmill (Sawmill North), with logs and woodchip sales.
- Vehicle Spawn piont for farm 3 changed to north shop.
- new shop in central city (main city now completely rebuilt)
- Shop and Farm Icons moved/added, Shop at central city now spawn vehicles for farm 1 and 2.
- 3 farm map icons added.
- both fs17 gas stations changed to new gas stations with lighting.
- sell point markings added to all sell points.
- rogers, moved beet pile to allow truck to drive around the plant.
- ligthting, many new lights added to city and sell points and intersections on highway.
- gate with triggers added to some sell points
- ATV Park map icon and now signed staging area with lights.
- majority of the cosmetics are complete textures trees etc.
- some tiny cosmetics still need to be completed while the sell point and gameplay is being verified.
- removed object from road on F10
- removed atm in air F19
- removed planters from old shop area
If you find any mistakes, then please do not insult me in the comments, but write me a Pn with screenshot then I can take care of it.
Ole Ole
If the map is offered on other sites for download, please use the original link!
Donations via PayPal:
Tested on game version v1.3.x