/ FS25 Mods | FS22 Mods | FS19 Mods » Maps » LoneHills Map v1.0.12 for FS25

LoneHills Map v1.0.12 for FS25

1 January 2025 admin 59 0
Category - Maps
Version game - v1.4.x
Credits: -

LoneHills Map FS25 - this map is inspired by NoMan'sLand. Since I wanted to learn map building, this project seemed like the perfect way to get started. The map features a fictional rocky terrain, making it ideal for those who want to test their farming skills on more complex landscapes.

Features LoneHills Map:
- A beautiful landscape with a lake and numerous forests;
- Large growing areas, a sawmill, and a small milk point;
- A farmers' market, a store, and destructible rocks with increased yields scattered around the map;
- A stunning landscape with a lake and a small swamp area with shallow water;
- Vast fields for cultivation, and a sawmill to help you process wood;
- A quarry where you can break rocks and harvest valuable resources;
- A farmer's market that buys fresh produce from you and provides everything you need for your operations;
- A small restaurant that also buys goods from you, offering extra income;
- A Trader where you can purchase machines and equipment for your farm – exactly what you need to get started!

Changes in v1.0.12:
– Fixed the Snowmap (Snow won't accumulate inside of buildings like the gas station anymore).
– Fixed the collision issue on the main farm.

Tested on game version v1.4.x
Last edited by: admin - 1-01-2025, 19:47
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.0.12

Screenshots with «LoneHills Map v1.0.12 for FS25»
LoneHills Map v1.0.12 for FS25 LoneHills Map v1.0.12 for FS25 LoneHills Map v1.0.12 for FS25 LoneHills Map v1.0.12 for FS25 LoneHills Map v1.0.12 for FS25 LoneHills Map v1.0.12 for FS25

Changes in v1.0.9:
– made all lamps sellable up to just before the right-hand curve near the shop
 Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v1.0.8:
– Adjusted AI Pedestrian Splines.
– LakeSide house and shed (changed) made sellable.
– Cleared placeable.xml.
– Added pedestrians in Soup restaurant at LakeSide.
– Changed starter farm and shed.
– Moved table at main farm and the wagon to provide more space to build.
 Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v1.0.4:
– Added: Grandpa, Lamps, Traffic, Restaurant Point of Sale, AI Splines (Helpers can now travel to all destinations);
– Changed: Player Spawn Location, Starting Farm, Quarry Updated, Minimap Updated;
– Decreased: Farmland Price (Farmland 19 to 0), Quarry Stone Breakdown Time and Size (now 131x17.5k);
– Fixed: Ben crawling on the floor, Sounds;
– Moved: Shop;
– Changed: Audio;
– Improved: Road Textures and reduced grass penetration, Street Visibility (less weeds; some will like it, some will not).
 Download #1 | Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v1.0.3:
- Fixed Spawn placed on ground
- Fixed Subsoiler placed the right way around
- Fixed more floating trees
- moved Milk-Sellpoint to Shop area
- moved NPC positions
Download Link 1​​​

Changes in v1.0.2:
- Fixed gas-station triggers are now all working properly
- Fixed collision on main farm.
- Fixed more floating trees
 Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v1.0:
- first release
Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «LoneHills Map v1.0.12 for FS25»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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