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New Horizon 64x Map v1.9.1.1 for FS22

21 August 2024 admin 628 1
Category - Maps
Version game - v1.14.x
Credits: -

New Horizon 64x Map - is a fictional map with 255 farmlands and 210 fields from small to very large. The map is also a multi-crop map, which means that it is possible to grow all standard crops and various additional crops as desired. Red bed and parsnip are only available in combination with the DLC "Premium Expansion". You can also expect a variety of starter vehicles, 21 productions and 20 sales stations to market your products!

Features New Horizon 32x:
– 255 Farmlands
– 210 Fields from small to very large
– A multicrop map, which means that it is possible to grow all standard crops and various additional crops as desired
– Red bed and parsnip are only available in combination with the DLC “Premium Expansion”
– You can also expect a variety of starter vehicles, 21 productions and 20 sales stations to market your products
– The map has an extensive train system. Immerse yourself in an immersive farming experience and create your own successful farm

Changes in v1.9.1.1:
- Elimination of grass errors that had crept in due to the installation of the grass missions, meadows could no longer be mown with a comber and the chopped grass was no longer grass windrow but only grass, exactly the same for meadows. This was also noticeable in the silos.
- Incorrect assignment of logos when loading liquids in herbicide production has been fixed
- Collision problems with the bridge railings have been fixed

Tested on game version 1.14.x
Last edited by: admin - 21-08-2024, 20:20
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.9.1.1

Screenshots with «New Horizon 64x Map v1.9.1.1 for FS22»
New Horizon 64x Map v1.9.1.1 for FS22 New Horizon 64x Map v1.9.1.1 for FS22 New Horizon 64x Map v1.9.1.1 for FS22 New Horizon 64x Map v1.9.1.1 for FS22 New Horizon 64x Map v1.9.1.1 for FS22 New Horizon 64x Map v1.9.1.1 for FS22

Changes in v1.8.1:
- Fixed collision problem of wooden bridges
- Bridge from the large farmland to field 75 is back
- Signs relocated to fields 25,27,30,31,107 and 108
- Meadows can now be harvested with Feldhexler
- Paths in the i3d from the composter, refinery, salt factory, herbicide have been readjusted
- Farm silo bulk loading speed increased from 1.5k to 4.5k/train from 6k to 8.5k
- Fixed various folder writing errors
 Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v1.7 (1.14.x):
- Ground angles increased to 32
- Train has now received four liquid wagons with a capacity of 200k each, six grain/woodchips, four sugarbeet with a capacity of 120k, three timber and three vehicle wagons
- Train silo for liquids and gases with a capacity of 1000k
- Hops, tobacco, hemp and peanuts can no longer be harvested with the grain cutter
- Readjusted unloading speed of the Pacesetter trailer
- various bugs fixed
- Main street at the train silo had to be rebuilt due to the length of the train in order not to hinder traffic when loading the train (adjusted basic AD course) I will also provide
- Improved animations for hemp tobacco hops with the maize header
- needs new savegame
Download #1 | Download #2 Download #3

Changes in v1.6:
- All water areas revised (Farmer now swims and no longer runs around on the bottom, the vehicles break down when they go into the water).
Download #1 | Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v1.2:
Added purchasable palettes
- Seedlings with a capacity of 120
- Diesel range
- Def Palette
- Sprinkling salt pallet (can be sold)
- Compost pallet
- Liquid lime (can be sold)

Sales stations revised

- Added produced products in sales stations on field 199 fence fields removed
- Peanut factory log error fixed
- Now moon straw and rapeseed straw are also produced and can be sold at the power plant and bale sale
- Prices of some products adjusted
- Road salt is now also produced in salt production

There are five new freely placeable productions
- Seed production
- lime production
- Fertilizer production
- herbicide production
- Composter

There are three freely placeable camps
- Gas and liquid storage (can also be used as a gas station)
- Pallet storage for all products
- Straw/hay.....stock

- Shop display was moved to the outdoor area
- Added harvest header (peanuts) for Ropa Tiger6
- Refinery overhauled
- Tank tailers for gases and liquids available in the shop as well as syringes and tax (thanks to Aussiepappa)
- There will also be AD courses afterwards!
Download #1 | Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v1.1:
- Removed floating trees
- Harvester for beetroot, parsnips, carrots, onions, red cabbage and white cabbage added to the game
- Harvesters for hemp, tobacco and lavender added to the game
Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v1.0:
- first release
Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «New Horizon 64x Map v1.9.1.1 for FS22»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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  1. Nigel Harris
    12 March 2024 03:54 | 0 | 0
    + +5 -
    Sorry to bother you. Congratulations on a great map. I have just one problem I am trying to harvest field 13 on contract and am using the Large hopper trailer. Contract says tip at shopping mall but when I get there ARE NO mARKINGS EXCEPT THE MAIM ONE. pARKED ON THAT BUT THERE IS NO INSTRUCTION TO TIP. i HAVE TRIED i AND r AND CHANGED FRONT TO BACK INCLUDING MOVING THE TRAILER BUT NOTHING. iS IT ME OR THE MAP PLEASE?

    kIND REGards