/ FS25 Mods | FS22 Mods | FS19 Mods » Maps » The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22

The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22

14 May 2023 admin 475 0
Category - Maps
Version game - v1.9.x
Credits: -

Download mod The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22 | Farming Simulator 22 game. 

The Valley The Old - On this European-style fictitious map with 93 fields (crops or meadows) and 18 purchasable forest plots, you can choose between cereal crops, livestock (cattle, sheep, pigs), or forestry, and you can participate in the industrial and commercial development of the region. A newly installed market garden production in the city centre completes all these sectors of activity with new vegetables (melon and red lettuce). A new crop has also been added: alfalfa.

Features The Valley The Old:
- 2 cereal cooperatives
- 1 grain mill
- 1 sugar factory
- 1 chips factory
- 1 grap cooperative
- 1 livestock trader
- 1 BGA
- 1 sawmill
- 1 carpentry
- 1 biomass heating plant
- 1 lime production plant
- 1 spinning mill
- 1 dairy
- 1 bakery
- 1 restaurant
- 1 pizzeria
- 1 farmers' shop 

Tested on game version 1.9.x

Last edited by: admin - 26-05-2023, 13:18
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.0.0.1

Screenshots with «The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22»
The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22 The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22 The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22 The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22 The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22 The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22

Changes in v1.0.0.1:

- Bug impossible to cover bunker silos in the farm fixed

- Problem with egg production (eggs not accepted for hens) fixed

- It is now possible to sell everything in the restaurant (also with a skip)

- The sidewalks no longer make vehicles fly

- The dirt road have been resized

- The flying carpets of Aladin have been removed

- Several bumps and holes have been fixed

- The workshop gate has been placed back on the ground

- The three flying objects in the farm are replaced

- the sidewalk at field 50 has been fixed

- The foliage of the wall in the farm has been fixed

- Walls manure of the cowshed have been fixed

- The invisible collision in the workshop has been removed

- The scales in the sawmill are less steep

- A flying tree in field 58 has been replaced

- Level 2 bumpy areas near the sawmill

- A light in the sawmill building was removed

- Fix various problems

- Cow and sheep pastures are now compatible with the mod: Animal Grazing (PC only)

- Added Czech translation

Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «The Valley The Old Farm Map v1.0.0.1 for FS22»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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