Download mod Combine Case Axial 9240 + Header v1.0 by Hubcap for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.
Features combine:
- the model has own interior
- the model has own wheels
- the model has own sound
- Animations
- Working lights
- The dust from the wheels
- Traces of wheels
- Dirt / Washable
- detailed model
- animated parts
Case 9240 + Header combi pack by Hubcap:
- Incresed work speed of the header to 25 KMH
- Header is multi fruit (added Corn and Sunflower )
- Increased Harvester HP and Torque
- Increased harvester capacity to 80K
- Increased Harvester top speed to 62 KMH
- Increasd the life span of both as well as Greatly increased the " Repair cycle " to maintain work speed
Tested on game version 1.2.x
Combine Case Axial 9240 + Header v1.0 by Hubcap for FS19

Category - Combines
Version game - v1.2.x
Credits: - Giants Software, Hubcap