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AutoDrive Script Mod v2.0.1.4 by Stephan-S for FS22

29 August 2023 admin 513 0
Category - Other mods FS
Version game - v1.12.x
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Download AutoDrive Script Mod v2.0.1.4 by Stephan-S for FS22 | Farming Simulator 22 game. 

AutoDrive Scriptis a free mod for FS22. It lets you record routes and set targets for vehicles on any map in the game. After you’ve created a network of routes and targets, you can hire drivers that will drive the routes automatically to targets set by you. The vehicle will be moved without your participation. Once setup you can tell a tractor which is standing anywhere close to the network to drive to any point, such as the shop, field 1 or to a sell point. By pre-setting AutoDrive, you can give orders for those who are short of time in any area with a network. In this way, you can send the machine to any point (to the point of sale, separate field, store, etc.).

Features AutoDrive:
- You can use them for pure transport from point A to B.
- They can be used to unload harvesters or fill silage clamps.
- Another helpful feature is how they can be used for selling crops and goods.

Changes in v2.0.1.4:
- Reversing with underbody weight EZ 1700 not possible
- Vehicles no longer drive after unloading (pick up & drop off, threshing mode)

Tested on game version 1.12.x
Last edited by: admin - 29-08-2023, 21:17
Reason: Mod Updated to v2.0.1.4

Screenshots with «AutoDrive Script Mod v2.0.1.4 by Stephan-S for FS22»
AutoDrive Script Mod v2.0.1.4 by Stephan-S for FS22 AutoDrive Script Mod v2.0.1.4 by Stephan-S for FS22 AutoDrive Script Mod v2.0.1.4 by Stephan-S for FS22 AutoDrive Script Mod v2.0.1.4 by Stephan-S for FS22 AutoDrive Script Mod v2.0.1.4 by Stephan-S for FS22 AutoDrive Script Mod v2.0.1.4 by Stephan-S for FS22

Changes in v2.0.1.2:
- wrong status message after completing a tour (distributed unloading) #853
- "Fold Implements" setting is not displayed correctly in MP #850
- After unloading in the bunker silo, the trailers are awaited to close
- HUD settings are not saved correctly in hosted MP #869
- Reversing with various devices does not work #255, 897
- with distributed loading/unloading, the counter is reset when repairing or refueling #693
- Consider seed/fertilizer tanks for loading
- Detection of grass/grass swath as fruit (fruit bypass)
- Improvements in path finding/calculation on the field

Changes in v2.0.0.9:
- Bug fixes and improvements:
- Fixed various issues with the PnH DLC
- Fixed distributed load counter (counts down after each load)
- Delete the last waypoint of a leg if it is a dead end
- when an AD driver refuels or repairs, other AD drivers are immediately assigned to the harvester
- Problems AD downhill in connection CP-ÜLW fixed
- various problems with ÜLW fixed
- In multiplayer, the vehicle affiliation plays a role in the sale of goods
- Krone GX520 does not close flap empty fruit selection in bale collectors leads to errors (selection of bales not necessary)
- Vehicle settings (e.g. pick up & drop off) disappeared after a restart
- Attachments do not fold when CP is interrupted
- reduced speed when a conveyor belt is attached
- Drescher drives with stairs to working position
- when collecting bales with CP and driving down with AD, there were performance losses (CP-AD-ping-pong)
Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «AutoDrive Script Mod v2.0.1.4 by Stephan-S for FS22»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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