Download mod RealismAddon - AnimalGrazing v1.0 for FS22 | Farming Simulator 22 game.
RealismAddon - this mod makes animals that have grass/meadow areas eat that grass. Similar to the already known Grazing Feature in Seasons mod from previous FS versions, but other than the idea its completely new. The mod includes the animalGrazing.xml which contains all the settigs as to which foliage areas are used to look for eatable grass, which foliages are eaten and their growth stages as well as the fillTypes that are filled. All those things can be adjusted there if necessary
Features RealismAddon:
- Grass is eaten in growth stages, each "grazing" step reduces grass by one growth stage.
How often/how much is eaten is dependent on the amount of animals, the amount of food used per day and the amount of grass left, but as long as there is something left in the feeding through only a maximum of one grazing step is done per day.
Since each grazing step is done over the entire meadow the resulting amount of grass is saved in a buffer and fed hourly.
As long as there is below 25% total filled volume in the feeding through it will always fill up to 25% in one go - that way grazing-only feeding is possible.
Above 25% it adds the total food usage per hour in grass, above 85% it doesn't add any more grass to the through so there's always some room for other feeds.
Tested on game version 1.7.x