Giants Editor v8.0 for FS19 | Farming Simulator 2019 game.
Giants Editor – Program for creating and editing mods / maps. With the help of this software (of course, if you already have ready-made textures) you can “drive” or edit equipment, objects and even full-fledged maps.
Also, this tool is used to add to the map ready-made objects that require placement only through the Giants Editor.
The program interface is user friendly, so if you want to try your hand at modding, this program will suit you. Moreover, this program is from official developers and it has no analogues.
Now, with this program you are ready to create maps and mods for the game
Tested on game version 1.1
Giants Editor v8.0 for FS19

Category - Other mods FS
Version game - v1.1
Credits: - Giants Software