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Rennebu Map v1.0.2.5 for FS22

21 July 2023 admin 557 0
Category - Maps
Version game - v1.8.x
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Download mod Rennebu Map v1.0.2.5 for FS22 | Farming Simulator 22 game.

Rennebu - the lush valley of Rennebu is inviting and encourage all sorts of work! Arable land, animal husbandry and forestry. The map is based on a small part of the real world location Rennebu in Norway. The farms and farm buildings are real and placed at their real location. Most of the buildings are placeables and with color selection, which will let you mix and match as you build your own farm on an empty lot.

Features Rennebu Map:
- 143 marked fields
- 28 Forestry sites
- The river flowing through the valley can be used to refill water
- No collectibles (yet)

Changes in v1.0.2.5:
- FIX FOR CONTRACTS! All contracts should be possible to complete now. Thanks to LOKI_79!
- Refined field dimensions. Fields now have a new number by the way they were automatically sorted.
- Updated trees! Collision should behave better now, and look more packed in forwarders and trailers.
If you update the map and play on an existing savegame, trees you previously have cut will re appear where they were originally harvested.

Tested on game version 1.10.x

Last edited by: admin - 21-07-2023, 20:40
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.0.2.5

Screenshots with «Rennebu Map v1.0.2.5 for FS22»
Rennebu Map v1.0.2.5 for FS22 Rennebu Map v1.0.2.5 for FS22 Rennebu Map v1.0.2.5 for FS22 Rennebu Map v1.0.2.5 for FS22 Rennebu Map v1.0.2.5 for FS22 Rennebu Map v1.0.2.5 for FS22

Changes in v1.0.2:
- These changes require a new savegame;
- Various terrain and foliage fixes.
- Changed tree at Nørigard. Should now be possible to cut if desired.
- Debris crushers are now placeables, and can be owned and sold by the player.
- Enabled all temp placeables outlined and planned (for now). They will appear as building sites until the buildings pack is updated with proper, functioning buildings.
- Custom dirt road mesh in various places, mainly for forestry roads.
- Forklifts and/or telehandlers at the shop, sawmill, grainmill and carpenter. Free to use, no need to bring your own.
- Prepared farmland for multiple new farms.
- Adjusted prices of farmlands.
- Added iron mine.

Download #2Download #3

Changes in v1.0.0.1:
- Adjusted food priority and values for cows. TMR is lower prio, silage, hay, grass and chaff is highest prio.
- Disabled maize, cotton, soy beans and sugarcane from being produced and sold
- Fixed fence placement at the church
- Updated trees from Holmåkra. This should not require a new savegame.
- Adjusted tipCol. You should now be able to use bunker silos and tip stones among other things in more places.
- Fixed the reports about trees in fields and floating in the air
- Fixed various hidden objects causing collisions in fields and roads
- Adjusted bird sound intervals 
- Various Terrain adjustments and fixes
- Various ground texture adjustments
- Various foliage fixes
- Added access road to field 84

Download #1 | Download #2 | Download #3

Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Rennebu Map v1.0.2.5 for FS22»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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