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Mountain Hill 2022 Map v6.1.0.6 for FS22

27 November 2023 admin 2 856 0
Category - Maps
Version game - v1.13.x
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Download mod Mountain Hill 2022 Map v6.1.0.6 for FS22 | Farming Simulator 22 game.

MountainHill - this modification adds an excellent map for farmers players with all you need to play. It is a 4-fold map, which brings many possibilities with it. Naturally, the map was tested and works without errors and log entries.

Features Mountain Hill:
- 4 options for how to start a new game (choice at first boot);
- Integrated Seasons GEO (RM-Seasons should be in the mod folder);
- In addition to retail outlets and villages, you can buy everything else (depending on the start, different);
- 11 retail outlets;
- 14 different industries;
- 3 gas stations;
- 95 fields from small to large (as well as meadows);
- 60 purchased parts of the forest, which are sometimes more and sometimes less;
- With the seasons, the map also changes (not only trees, but also roofs, snow pillars, ice, etc.) in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Changes in v6.1.0.6:
- Added bale trigger for compost anywhere compost can be dumped
- No new savegame is needed!

Tested on game version 1.13.x

Last edited by: admin - 27-11-2023, 21:47
Reason: Mod Updated to v6.1.0.6

Screenshots with «Mountain Hill 2022 Map v6.1.0.6 for FS22»
Mountain Hill 2022 Map v6.1.0.6 for FS22 Mountain Hill 2022 Map v6.1.0.6 for FS22 Mountain Hill 2022 Map v6.1.0.6 for FS22 Mountain Hill 2022 Map v6.1.0.6 for FS22 Mountain Hill 2022 Map v6.1.0.6 for FS22 Mountain Hill 2022 Map v6.1.0.6 for FS22

Changes in v6.1.0.5:
- Fruit destruction installed, except poplar and earth fruits
- Straw bales can now be wrapped and you get compost after fermentation (get this mod "FS22_automaticUnloadForBaleWrapper", otherwise straw will always be wrapped into compost!)
- Rye revised (visibility)
- Poppy reworked (visibility and texture)
- Corn texture changed
- Removed PlaceableHusbandryAnimals.lua, automatic reproduction on animals now works
- Hop trimmer/defoliator variable adjusted (now cuts more beautifully)
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Changes in v6.0.7:
- Fixed error with empty pallet sales points
- Added new placeable orchards (pears, apples, cherries, plums, lemons, peaches, plums and oranges) these orchards do not produce in winter and do not use water when it rains
- Added points of sale for the new fruit (Conoco shop, restaurant, supermarket and warehouse)
- Changed productions so that the FillType that is available the most is consumed first.
- Water will cost you a little of your fortune
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Changes in v6.0.6.1:
Typo fixed in the following productions:
- Oil factory (diesel)
- sawmill (empty pallets)
- Greenhouses (tomatoes and cucumbers)
- Vegetable factory (white cabbage)
- BGA (Sugarbeet_Cut Booster)
- fertilizer factory (amount of lime)
There is no need to start a new savegame
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Changes in v6.0.5:
- The Animal.xml has been adjusted again (is no longer overwritten by the animal system)
- More animals fit in the stables again
- The extended animal system must now be present (will be prompted at startup and installed automatically)
- Sheep need straw again and manure is produced
- Chickens and ducks now also need straw and also produce manure.
- The storage radius has been extended for sheep and chickens. If the manure heap is placed like this (image 1), one is enough for sheep and chickens
- Horses can be fed carrots as a small boost.
- The pigs also like red and white cabbage
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Changes in v6.0.4:
- Adjusted TerrainShader to Giants Patch
- Adjusted production speeds (pellets, brewery, sugar factory, BGA)
- Reduced the number of pieces in all animal stables, adjusted the amount of feed (due to the expanded animal system)
- Removed straw from the sheep (also because of the extended animal system)
- moved a few trees
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Changes in v6.0.3:
- Cucumber, Tomato, Strawberry and Lettuce pallet capacity increased to 1000
- Petrol station at Raiffeisen scaled a little higher
- Disturbing trees moved or deleted
- Pallet output (number) doubled for all productions
- GÖWEIL Pack (dlc) Ready
- Added MAIZE_OIL to the "fillTypeCategory" product (e.g. for FS22_SmallPalletStorage from Achimobil)
- Terrain changes made at the cattle yard (separate exit only effective on restart)
- Corrected snow storms near the dairy
- BGA silage consumption (cycles) increased
- BGA drive-through silos can be sold
- Pallet price halved via RevAmp
- Increased storage capacity for animal feed (straw, silage, etc.)
- Various small fixes and adjustments
- The fence at the Lohnihof can be removed with a farmhouse (with the existing savegame there is a one-time error because of the animated object)
- Added beets and potatoes to "AUGERWAGON" in the map_fillTypes
- Ropa harvesters got a small update to make them unload better.
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Changes in v6.0.2:
- The sound of the map has been readjusted (no more woodpecker etc.)
- Cucumbers that can be sold now also grow near the greenhouses
- Manure can now also be delivered to the greenhouses as a small booster
- New to the oil refinery is the production of corn oil, which can be sold at points of sale.
- corrected a few blemishes...
- fixed some production speeds
- Molasses can be sold in the Warehouse (Liquid).
- Start month was changed to February
- A new savegame is NOT required.
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Changes in v6.0:
- Secondary road replaced by main road from the crossing via Lohnihof to the settlement
- Side street replaced by main street from crossing to cattle yard
- Purchased productions (via icon) can be sold again in the shop construction menu. (from revamp version the products in production are also credited)
- The starting yard and other yards can be sold despite the placeable building.
- In multiplayer, productions can be sold and another player can then buy them. (from revamp version the products in production are also credited)
- In multiplayer, farms can be bought and sold in any order.
- Added kennels to the farms
- Reworked the light in the shop
- Farmlands revised due to buying and selling productions and farms
- Vegetable production built (red cabbage, white cabbage, corn, carrots and water = vegetable cans / boosters = pallets)
- Slightly increased amount of reading stones
- Goat milk trigger fixed at the mountain farmer's farm (was too deep in the ground)
- Changed distance-diffuse of poppies
- Bridge created at field 89 to the main road
- You can now also sell greenhouses at the nursery
- Changed field path at field 81
- PDA completely revised
- Stockyard is now a separate farm with farmhouse and halls
- Field dimensions revised
- Drive-through silos slightly shifted at BGA
- There are now 3 farms to choose from at MountainHill2022
- Changed start options for singleplayer and multiplayer
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Changes in v5.0.3.2:
- Fixed bugs with the sheep and goats. Wool and goat's milk are produced again
- All stables where animals eat grass have had their foliage adjusted.
- AnimalGrazing is now properly supported and animals will eat the painted grass.
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Changes in v5.0.2:
- Map was chased and cleaned up by Giants' TestRunner
- When harvesting wheat, barley, etc., there was a crap texture on the ground... Fixed
- corrected minor blemishes
- Installed New Animals by Susi & Wingi. (Please read the note in the description)
- Added goat milk to the map
- Goat Cheese can be produced at the Dairy
- Added points of sale for goat milk and goat cheese
- Fixed light in the shop.
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Changes in v5.0.1.1:
- Adaptation to LS Update;
- For PF fertilize with compost removed for the time being. (Map did not start anymore).
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Changes in v5.0:
- Fixed smudge issue on cultivators and plows. (All multi-fruits removed, grle and gdm file regenerated and each fruit individually reinserted and saved.
By overwriting the grle and gdm files, the fruits have new ID's and the map no longer has spots.)
- CASE IH cotton harvester now with color choice
- Cotton harvester JohnDeere Modification of the antechamber and main chamber. For example, if there is still hemp in the antechamber (2100 liters), it will be replaced by cotton or tobacco in the next field.
In the case of the main chamber, unfinished bales from 2000 liters can be output.
- Ropa Tiger and Panther now with choice of color
- Ropa rrXL9 11m cutterbar configuration selection with and without collision and color choice
- Roba rrXL 9 4m header with color choice
- Fixed trigger error with placeable ManureHeaps. Now it can be discharged (trigger was too low)
- Removed the fence by the meadow at the mountain farmer's farm.
- The ground decoration (branches, mushrooms, ferns, etc.) in the forest can now be painted over and removed
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Changes in v4.0:
- Added missionsVehicle.xml for multi-fruit missions
- Added a multisilo at the Farmerhof for all types of fruit (can be bought and sold)
- Ropa and Grimmepack integrated into the map vehicles (only one cutter required for turnips, potatoes, onions, carrots, red and white cabbage)
- The fruits of red and white cabbage have been reduced in size
- Changed the texture of onions and carrots
- Added hops as a new fruit (vine stocks available in the vine shop) (incl. harvester and trimmer)
- Brewery added as a new production
- Added fertilizer crafting (mineral and liquid fertilizer) to lime production
- Fixed blemishes on the terrain (adjusted bumps and slopes)
- Farmlands changed and new ones added
- Adjusted production speeds
- Fixed deco grass at field edges
- Sawmill now also produces empty pallets
- Empty pallets can be delivered as a booster in all productions with pallet output
- Added paper factory as a new production
- Removed Millet from the FruitTypes
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Changes in v3.0:
- Yield millet adjusted
- FillVolume increased again for productions
- Yield adjusted for white and red cabbage
- Meadow grass improved at field edges
- Texture improved for white and red cabbage
- Growth density adjusted for white cabbage, red cabbage, onions and carrots
- Fixed a few small bugs
- Added Forgotten Collis
- Map's own SoilMap for PF refined again
- Adjusted for multifruit growth phases
- Added multifruit poppy
- Added poppies in outlets
- Added poppy seeds in production bakery
- Added Millet in Grain Mill
- Field borders revised (grass)
- Forest completely replaced with new spruce trees (now harvester-ready)
- Added Forest Floor (Deco Foliage)
- Added tobacco and adjusted growth
- Added hemp and adjusted growth
- Added Quaderbale488 and Roundbale235 for tobacco and hemp
- Adjusted and integrated harvesters (Case and JohnDeere).
- Added points of sale for tobacco and hemp
- Added Hemp Oil crafting at Oil Refinery
- Created new palette for hemp oil
- Added tobacco factory (cigars and cigarettes)
- Lime production created and sales points set up
- Created seed production and set up sales outlets
- Provide all productions with product signs
- Created new palettes for cigars and cigarettes
- REVAMP integrated for productions
- JohnDeere cotton harvester adapted for round bale storage (better storage)
- Colli fixed at some fences
- Changed the volume of the manure and compost storage at the Lohnihof
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Changes in v2.0:
- Fixed road junction at tailor shop
- Colli dungheap gardening fixed
- Fixed levy wool warehouse
- Added red cabbage
- Added white cabbage
- Adjusted textures and growth for red and white cabbage
- Added 4 water extraction points (Cattle Farm, Farmerhof, Cattle Trader and Conoco Tanke)
- Added custom SoilMap for Precision Farming
- Fixed bug Farmland
- Fixed bale trigger bug
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Changes in v1.0.1:
– Fixed Lochni workshop trigger;
– Lohni straw and bale storage system added;
– Added Lohni Tierfutterlager silo bale trigger;
– Strautmann loader trailer installed on the ground;
– Fixed road texture (black frame);
– Fixed a tree near the greenhouse;
– Increased FillVolume on all productions;
– BaleTriggers are added to all products containing straw, hay, grass and silage;
– New textures for carrots and onions;
– Removed useless floating lamps;
– Fixed Raiffeisen trigger;
– Fixed collision and trigger on the fermenter;
– All player triggers have been reworked;
– New lime texture on the field.

Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Mountain Hill 2022 Map v6.1.0.6 for FS22»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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