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NF March 4x Map v4.3 for FS22

8 July 2024 admin 3 599 0
Category - Maps
Version game - v1.13.x
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Mod NF March 4x Map v4.3 for FS22 | Farming Simulator 22 game. 

NF March 4x (North Frisian March) - converted map from FS19 to FS22 with all standards of the game. The NF Marsch map shows the North German landscape from North Frisia. Map features rolling hills, dense forests, and open fields, giving players a diverse and challenging terrain to navigate. With multiple sell points, custom textures, and realistic lighting effects, this map offers a truly immersive farming experience. Players will have access to a wide range of farm equipment and vehicles to help them maximize their productivity and profits. From planting and harvesting crops to feeding and breeding animals, the NF March 4x Map offers a range of activities to keep players engaged and entertained.

Features NF March 4x:
- Sawmill
- sugar factory
- apple orchard
- pear orchard
- The Cherry Orchard
- plum plantation
- diesel plant
- Fertilizer production
- hay dryer
- Feed production
- Production of liquid fertilizers
- Wastewater treatment plant
- Plant for the production of pellets
- Plant protection products
- Seed production
- Pig feed production
- Brewery
- Pulp and paper mill
- Cement factory
- large fields
- 22 outlets
- 2 BGAs
- New missions
- Plenty of room for all sorts of things

Changes in v4.3:
- Goats added as a new animal species
- Goats give goat's milk (comparable to sheep)
- Ducks added as a new animal species (ducks give down in the right stable)
- Lambs, calves, piglets, chicks are displayed up to a defined age in line with the butcher's animal table
- Spanish, Hungarian and Italian translations updated (thanks to Sergi, Mauri, Vider)
- Grain purchases can now be renamed
- Hall next to field 66 can now be completely deleted with object hide mod
- New products down, goat's milk, goat meat, duck meat, old empty pallet, currants added
- New collectibles (25) LS25 NF March competition Participation possible until 08/01/24, more information as soon as you collect an LS25 package
- The corn harvest texture changed and the height of the first harvest level adjusted

Tested on game version v1.14.x

Last edited by: admin - 8-07-2024, 18:49
Reason: Mod Updated to v4.3

Screenshots with «NF March 4x Map v4.3 for FS22»
NF March 4x Map v4.3 for FS22 NF March 4x Map v4.3 for FS22 NF March 4x Map v4.3 for FS22 NF March 4x Map v4.3 for FS22 NF March 4x Map v4.3 for FS22 NF March 4x Map v4.3 for FS22

Changes in v4.2:
- Decoration of the fire station building at the harbor can now be completely removed with Object Hide Mod
- Clover grass can now also be harvested with e.g. a shredder and Krone xDisk 620 cutting unit
- Methane or diesel can now be purchased at the gas stations
- The riding arena can now be completely deleted with just one object
- Trigger for the cash boxes when importing grain slightly enlarged
- Route from the small ship moved closer to the dam / the railway tracks
- Wood from the Wood Autoload Trailer and the log pallet can now be sold at the sales point sawmill
- The railway track on the dam can now be completely removed with Object Hide Mod
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Changes in v4.0:
- Shopping opportunity at the harbor for grain (save game change required see)
- Field 51 has been slightly smoothed at the top corner
- Space prepared for the new recycling station at the supermarkets
- Map expanded with 5 new fill types (insulation, glass panes, windows, waste glass and waste paper)
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Changes in v3.9.1:
- Vinegar incorrect symbol linking fixed
- Honig Palette now also unloads at 500L/S
- Car parked at the gas station
- Bee bonus added for clover

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Changes in v3.9:
- Power line collision removed
- 11 new products added
- Sheep now give milk
- Smoke Particles bug fixed in connection with the Emergency Pack
- Grave decoration at field 80 / 81 scaled smaller
- Rapeseed yield slightly increased

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Changes in v3.7:
- Grapes produce slightly more yield
- Flax straw selling price reduced
- 5 new products added
- Horse sales prices increased slightly

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Changes in v3.6:
- OXBO Pack rake error fixed
- Mini steel beams deleted at the hardware store
- Water tarpaulin under field 74 reduced in size
- Manure spreaders can now also be used with lime
- Suitable manure spreader for manure and lime
- Lime weighs slightly less

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Changes in v3.4:
- 5 new products
- Variable seed rates with precision farming is now also supported for the multifruits.
- Lamp/light fixed at BGA south lantern
- Egg and Wool pallets now have 5000 L capacity
- Reworked map collision boundary in the north and east
- Moved the floating trees at the ketchup factory build site
- Lime and carrots entered in grain truck category
- Slightly improved the texture of the lavender bunches

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Changes in v3.3:
- 7 new products built into the map (apple sauce, plum sauce, cherry jam, strawberry jam, raspberry jam, peach jam and plum jam);
- Fixed motion path error when chopping propagation grass in forage growth stage.

Changes in v3.2.1:

- Added missing map symbols for the new products
- Moved a car at house 31
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Changes in v3.2:
- Wheat, barley and rye can now also be planted in March (summer grain)
- The "Lokschuppen" can now be completely removed with the Hide Mod
- rrXL9_onion and rrXL9_carrot attachment now suitable for the Ropa Tiger 6s (thanks to David)
- Map prepared for 6 new products (Fed Production Pack 2.8 ready) Ketchup, Mayo, Mustard, Tomato Sauce, Vinegar and Buckwheat Flour
- Bee bonus added to buckwheat
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Changes in v3.1:
- Feed mixer wagon now also accepts clover hay and alfalfa hay with matching particle animation
- The FedMods chopper pickup reapers now also take on hemp swaths, linseed swaths and clover grass.
- Trench decoration reduced by field 50
- Added 4 new products (flaxseed oil, hemp oil, corn oil and poppy seed oil)
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Changes in v3.0:
- New Multifruit extension with large installation help from Recognice
- Savegame move necessary, see YouTube LS22 #1076 Move to the new #NFMarsch4fach Multifruit version
- New fruits are Linseed with Linseed and Flax, Poppies, Beans, Peas, Chickpeas, Lentils, Mustard Seeds, Buckwheat, Tobacco, Propagation Grass, Hemp with Hemp Seeds and Windrows, Clover Grass, Clover Hay and Legume Straw
- 5 new types of bales (flax, clover grass, clover hay, hemp swath and legume straw)
- New lavender, alfalfa, carrot and onion fruit textures
- Tire marks Improved fruit destruction and post-harvest stubble on almost all fruits
- Changed olive and grape palettes
- Added missing storeItem xmlFilename="maps/vehicles/rrXL9_carrot.xml
- Lumber price is now displayed in price overview (in map and production pack)
- Adjusted the weight of bulk materials such as sand, earth, gravel and lime
- Fixed floating tree on BGA north and next to field 35
- Silage heaps can now be piled up to 5 meters (previously 4)
- Ditch decoration scaled smaller between fields 63 and 66
- Fence at the BGA south towards the south in the curve slightly shifted
- Extension of animal feed if animal stables/map are prepared appropriately
- Cows in the grass area now also works with clover
- Cows in the hay area now also works in clover hay
- Cows in the compound feed area now also accept clover hay
- Sheep now accept clover and clover hay
- Pigs now also accept beans, peas and chickpeas in feed group 1
- Horses now also accept clover and clover hay
- Chickens can also be fed with propagation grass, lentils and flaxseed
- Alternating display boards in front of the vehicle dealer
- Supporter and NF march residents up to date again
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Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «NF March 4x Map v4.3 for FS22»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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