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Agronopolis Map v1.5 for FS19

1 October 2021 admin 3 789 0
Category - Maps
Version game - v1.7.x
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Download mod Agronopolis Map v1.5 for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.

Agronopolis- Map is based on the Vale do Itajaí region, located in Santa Catarina in Southern Brazil. Welcome to Agronópolis, a simple and calm city, its economy is based on agriculture. Explore the region, where several beautiful landscapes are present. If you want to have some fun, then go to the soccer field next to the Wool Sale. If you are hungry you can buy a hot dog in the Lurdes trailer.

Features Agronopolis Map:
- Has 4 points of sale of grain;
- Has a train and 3 storage points;
- You can sell grain at the port or sell timber at Madeireira Agronópolis by train;
- Sale of bales of wool and cotton;
- Sale of milk and eggs;
- Account for the sale of wood and chips;
- There is sugar cane;
- Thoughtful BGA;
- There is a mining company where limestone is mined;
- Road and pedestrian system;
- Lots of fields for sale, open spaces and woodlands that can be processed into fields;
- It has 4 more crops than the original game: black beans, rice, millet and sorghum. Sorghum can be silage or harvested as grain;
- For rice, areas for rice fields are included to simulate rice cultivation;
- Rice fields contain triggers for filling and emptying them with water;
- The main farm has a barn, a house, a silo on the farm, a corral for cows, a pad for pigs, a pad for sheep, and chickens roam freely on the main farm;
- Added a new tree to the map: Araucaria. This is a common tree that we often see in the south of Brazil;
- The banana tree, a plant typical of the subtropical climate, was also added;
- The map supports Seasons;
- There is support for Precision farming DLC.

Changes in v1.5:
- Problems with the new tree fixed;
- Fixed stuck motion issues;
- Trees suspended in the air corrected;
- Sale of wood chips;
- Improved Precision farm ground map;
- Adjusted rice;
- Adjusted sorghum;
- Adjusted collisions;
- Adjusted animal feed;
- Updated mini map;
- Adjusted sounds;
- Chicken capacity adjusted;
- Removed Dynamic Mud (Frame Drops, we chose to remove it);

Tested on game version 1.7.x
Last edited by: admin - 12-10-2021, 01:37
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.5

Screenshots with «Agronopolis Map v1.5 for FS19»
Agronopolis Map v1.5 for FS19 Agronopolis Map v1.5 for FS19 Agronopolis Map v1.5 for FS19 Agronopolis Map v1.5 for FS19 Agronopolis Map v1.5 for FS19 Agronopolis Map v1.5 for FS19

Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Agronopolis Map v1.5 for FS19»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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