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Claas Jaguar 960 TT-HKL Combine v1.0 for FS19

1 December 2020 admin 1 488 0
Category - Combines
Version game - v1.7.x
Credits: -

Download mod Claas Jaguar 960 TT-HKL Combine v1.0 for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.

Claas Jaguar 960 TT-HKL - Articulated forage harvester with hook lift for containers added for farmers players. Before turning, you should deactivate crab steering. The articulated steering is blocked. A configurable Orbis600 is included in the package. The chopper is compatible with the standard bits + Claas DLC. BUT: Since the Claas is a conversion, the standard bits are NOT 100% perfect. 

Features Claas Jaguar 960 TT-HKL:
- Power: 884 l / s;
- Transport / working speed: 43/15 km / h;
- Choice of color (main, design, seat, drone, decals);
- Selection of the type of lighting;
- Choice of additional lighting;
- Air signal selection;
- Choice of sun visor;
- Choice of interior options;
- GPS display selection;
- Selecting a backup camera;
- Choice of additional tanks;
- Choice of additional radiator;
- Choice of design;
- Choice of decals;
- Choosing a drone;
- Choice of tracks;
- IC control;
- Change of control method;
- Animation of the joystick and digital display;
- Lighting engineering;
- Beacons;
- Washable.

Also included are two reapers: Claas Orbis 600 and Claas Orbis 600 Spezial
- Working width: 6 m
- Choice of color: (main, design);
- Choice of design;
- Washable.

Tested on game version 1.7.x

Screenshots with «Claas Jaguar 960 TT-HKL Combine v1.0 for FS19»
Claas Jaguar 960 TT-HKL Combine v1.0 for FS19 Claas Jaguar 960 TT-HKL Combine v1.0 for FS19 Claas Jaguar 960 TT-HKL Combine v1.0 for FS19

Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Claas Jaguar 960 TT-HKL Combine v1.0 for FS19»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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