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Altkirch im Elsass Map v2.0.0.6 for FS22

19 July 2024 admin 3 284 0
Category - Maps
Version game - v1.14.x
Credits: -

Mod Altkirch im Elsass Map v2.0.0.6 for FS22 | Farming Simulator 22 game.

Altkirch im Elsass - Welcome to Altkirch in Alsace, a map known since FS17, FS19 and now fully converted to FS22 with all standards of the game. The map includes a lot of productions and a lot of fields.

Features Altkirch im Elsass:

- Main yard: 1 cowshed, 1 pigsty, 1 shepherd dog and 1 chicken coop
- Rinderhof: 2 stalls for cows
- Sheep farm: 1 sheepfold
- Farm below: 3 stalls for pigs

- 2 sawmills;
- 3 BGA;
- Pallet production;
- Water purification;
- Coal mine;
- Power station;
- Precision Farming
- Maize plus 

Changes in v2.0.0.5:

- Silo at the main farm expanded -> sorghum millet
- Large display board for silos at the main farm newly built
- Waste added as output for some productions
- Silo at the chicken farm expanded and fixed
- ChangeInitialStart script removed
- Collisions at traffic lights adjusted for AD
- Sheep farm and sheep pasture animals in the stables increased
- Farm lighting created at the egg farm
- Silage additive production added for mineral feed production
- Fermenter main farm (removal trigger incorrect position) fixed
- Unloading trigger at Agrola gas station fixed
- Unloading trigger at chicken coop at the chicken farm enlarged
- Translation for pellet production fixed
- Silo at the sheep farm => displays fixed
- Water trigger at the pig sty/pig farm enlarged

Tested on game version 1.14.x 

Last edited by: admin - 19-07-2024, 23:28
Reason: Mod Updated to v2.0.0.6

Screenshots with «Altkirch im Elsass Map v2.0.0.6 for FS22»
Altkirch im Elsass Map v2.0.0.6 for FS22 Altkirch im Elsass Map v2.0.0.6 for FS22 Altkirch im Elsass Map v2.0.0.6 for FS22 Altkirch im Elsass Map v2.0.0.6 for FS22 Altkirch im Elsass Map v2.0.0.6 for FS22 Altkirch im Elsass Map v2.0.0.6 for FS22

Changes in v2.0.0.5:
- Greenhouse for strawberries (placeable) added
- Strawberries added as input to dairy and pastry shop
- Added strawberry milk and strawberry cake as new filltypes
- Water filter for waterworks installed as input
- Paper production expanded => Now also produces water filters
- New double garage built in the main courtyard
- Spinning mill placed a new building
- Distillery placed a new building
- Adjustments to Premium Expansion DLC
- Fixed water for animals
- Fixed fish food pallet
- Road system rebuilt including splines
- Ground adjustments due to new roads
- Adaptations to straw recovery
- Trigger fixed at river water stations => AD did not draw river water independently
- Added parsnips and beetroot
- Delicatessen production expanded by 6 production lines
- increased revamp version to

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Changes in v2.0.0.4:
- Added manure to the chicken coop at the egg farm
- Illuminated courtyard lamp installed at the Eierhof
- ManureHeap registered at Eierhof (placeable.xml)
- Mineral feed production installed on the main farm (placeable.xml)
- Silillant added as a booster in fermenters
- Error: TransformGroup Kabel230Volt (node id 160072) has a zero scale => Fixed
- Fixed trigger marker at river water pumping station
- Shelter at Rinderhof and at Holzkerle sawmill renewed
- Light installed on both sawmills
- Enlarged the feed trigger at the sheep pen at the sheep farm
- Added greenhouse for tree seedlings. Produces pallets of 40 seedlings that can also be sold at points of sale.
- The original Giants seedling pallets cannot be sold!!
- Diesel and fuel inserted at points of sale
- Fixed tobacco and carrot growth without season
- Spinning yield of fabric and workwear increased
- Metal production installed (placeable.xml)
- Wooden barrel production installed by Schreiner
- Wooden barrel is now required at the rum factory and winery

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Changes in v2.0.0.2:
- A NEW savegame is required
- Fixed collision in multi production
- Fertilizer production herbicide trigger fixed
- Adjusted butcher trigger for animals and adjusted consumption
- Collision at Aspach supermarket (ice cream truck) Placed correctly
- Removed bump at field 52
- Fixed texture error with information signs
- Expanded silo displays and fill types at Rinderhof, Schweinehof, Obsthof and Gemüsehof
- BGA4 renewed
- Various bugs fixed
- Added ball storage at Rinderhof and Schweinehof
- Added ball storage placeable for cotton and sheep's wool
- Added courtyard lighting at Schafshof
- Fixed bug when mowing green areas ( after mowing the plow status appeared)
- New ICE installed
- Changed train at the waterworks (inclination from the mountain)
- Fixed the trigger for fuel at the peat plant
- Added Methane as a booster at Refinery
- New texture for dirt roads
- Added Danish translation

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Changes in v2.0.0.1:

- Fixed rice at harvest time
- Bridges rebuilt for AD
- Fixed crap at Kuhstall Haupthof and Rinderhof
- Various minor bugs fixed

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Changes in v2.0:

- Added silos at Schafshof and Wasserwerk (placeables)
- Fixed texture error with information signs
- Removed productions from mission objectives
- Ground textures changed
- Removed the grass under the garage by the sheep paddock
- Added missing fruit to Seasons
- Millet crop removed and tobacco installed
- BGA's modified
- Added icons for water and fuel
- Water as an additional input for Beetmaster
- Productions adapted to the new revamp versio
- Forest rebuilt
- Farmlands Remade
- Installed new animals from Susi25 and Wingi
- Installed own animal stables with water
- Giants animal stables installed with water
- Various adaptations of productions
- Traffic light script installed by Achimobil => currently still slight problems with AD. Achimobil and AD are working on that
- Butcher switched to Revamp
- All flaps at the power plant and silos close at 11 p.m. every day
- Splines renewed at roundabout => AI traffic stopped constantly
- Ore production added for DLC

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Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Altkirch im Elsass Map v2.0.0.6 for FS22»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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