Have my converted IT runner here for you.
As in the LS17 I sat down again for the LS19 and rebuilt the pack.
Essentially, it's similar to the 17's, it just lacks a few script-based features (will come with time too)
and some of the advantages of the 19er could make things easier.
Let yourself be surprised and have fun with it.
Features trailer:
- Working back lights
- The dust from the wheels
- Traces of wheels
- Dirt / Washable
- detailed model
- animated parts
Contents of the package:
- IT Runner: various brand configurations, tires in different sizes, color choice (own + standard colors), DynamicHoses, other RUL, license plate and animated dirt trap
- Bale platform: color choice (own + standard colors), more straps, rear struts removed
- Häckselcontainer: various brand configurations + matching color choice to the brands (you have to assemble yourself from 2 colors), glass or grid on the front selectable
- Bulk containers large: color choice (own + standard colors), different brand configurations
- Bulk goods container small: color choice (own + standard colors), different brand configurations
- Manure litter container: Brand choice between Farmtech, Bergmann and Tebbe, you have to choose the color to suit yourself
- Slurry container: color choice (own + standard colors), different brand configurations
- Wooden container: color choice (own + standard colors).
Tested on game version 1.2.x