Gameplay videos with Hofbrunn Map by CJFarming for Farming Simulator 19 game.
I would like to introduce you to my modified map of Felsbrunn. Hofbrunn ... (gäähn ... :-) This is not a savegame but a created in the editor, or edited map. Well, a Modmap from Felsbrunn more on Modhoster, I know ... But it's worth it. For what? Because it was processed with attention to detail, because it provides a huge starting equipment on machines, because already at the beginning 4 stalls are, because everything is perfectly central in the area and is efficient to reach and because a well-designed or converted map but still represents something other than a thing done with the landscaping possibilities in the game. Mainly it is about the entire court yard of Felsbrunn, or new of course Hofbrunn ... This I have usefully rebuilt and enlarged accordingly and modeled beautifully in detail to the site. The farm has 4 stables (cows, sheep, pigs and horses), own yard garage, washing area, various filling tanks, silos and much more. Please look at the pictures. Regarding the starting equipment, I would like to refer to the specially created video.
Hofbrunn Map by CJFarming - Farming Simulator 19

Category - Youtube videos
Version - v1.2.x
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