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Slovak Village Map v1.2 by MrHector for FS19

14 March 2021 admin 9 519 2
Category - Maps
Version game - v1.7.x
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Download mod Slovak Village Map v1.2 by MrHector for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.

Slovak Village Map - this is a fictional map based on real life location in Slovak Republic added for FS19 fan players. Map support Seasons Ready and all FS19 features from the game. Map was update to v1.1 which add a lot of new improvements and bugs fixed from previous version.

Features Slovak Village Map:
- This map includes all Farming Simulator 2019 features.
- Animal pastures (cows, sheeps, pigs, chickens) built into the map for New Farmer game mode. Pastures can be sold aswell.
- Big detailed farm area for New Farmer game mode. In Farm Manager and Start from Scratch modes you can build everything as you wish.
- Preplaced detailed farm house in New Farmer game mode, located in village, connected with chicken pasture. So you can feel like a citizen.
- Train system included.
- 37 fields - small/medium/large - fields with its own specific shape and square fields.
- 14 sell points - including BGA, train.
- 4 railroad silos. In the city: Train loading yard - Grain, can load only grain. Train loading yard - Root Crops, can load only root crops + sugar cane. East of the map: Railroad silo east can load grain and root crops and sugarcane. In Forest area: Railroad silo - Wood chips, can load only wood chips.
- All sell points, railroad silos and shop have their own specific opening hours - you can not buy/sell stuff if they have closed. Note: On first load everything is closed, just wait 1 in-game hour and everything will be back in its standard opening hours cycle.
- Large forestry area
- Missions - field jobs and transport missions included.
- NPCs with Slovak names
- Custom transport mission pallets + reworked standard pallets.
- Large pallet of new placeable objects used in preplaced farm area in New Farmer game mode. So you can use them in other modes aswell. (small gas station, workshop, shelters, refilling stations...)
- Buying stations scattered around the map - you can buy seeds, fertiliezer, liquid fertiliezer, herbicide, lime... or even food for animals - oats, pig food. These are of course a little more expensive than the pallets from shop but more comfortable.
  Manure and Liquid Manure traders included. You can both sell or buy from them. Manure can be loaded directly to trailer or if you wish you can use manipulator and load it manually.
- Small unique feature: In vehicle shop you can find Manitou forklift which is owned by nobody or the shop if you wish. This can be used to load your pallets you bought, do not need to bring your own manipulator. Especialy usefull for begining. It is there for everyone, do not steal it :)

Changes in v1.2:
- Increased limit of fill types dump-able to ground, this allows to use more mods which are adding new fill types dump-able to ground and in various combinations, e.g. Straw Harvest Addon + Seasons mod...
- Added Hungarian language translation.
- optimized russian language
- Updated production

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/MrHectorMods

Tested on game version 1.7.x
Last edited by: admin - 14-03-2021, 00:30
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.2

Screenshots with «Slovak Village Map v1.2 by MrHector for FS19»
Slovak Village Map v1.2 by MrHector for FS19 Slovak Village Map v1.2 by MrHector for FS19 Slovak Village Map v1.2 by MrHector for FS19 Slovak Village Map v1.2 by MrHector for FS19 Slovak Village Map v1.2 by MrHector for FS19 Slovak Village Map v1.2 by MrHector for FS19

Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Slovak Village Map v1.2 by MrHector for FS19»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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  1. RebelCopyrights
    28 April 2021 15:49 | 0 | 0
    + 0 -
    Its in Russian Language and I saw it supports many languages so how can I change it ?
    1. RebelCopyrights
      28 April 2021 15:50 | 0 | 0
      + 0 -
      oh and Seasons not working