Dolina Kwiatow Map - new map called 'Valley of Flowers' for both Bizon and Lexion. The name of the map refers to the Witcher universe, where the Valley of Flowers (Dol Blathanna) was so defined by very fertile agricultural lands. No, it's not that there are a lot of flowers on the map.
Features mod Dolina Kwiatow Map:
- 1 small farm with expansion space, placeable for small machines and pens
- 3 construction plots fenced, which can be removed with a power saw, and the farm build from scratch
- 101 small, medium and large fields
- 115 farmlands
- Field missions
- Multiteren
- Dynamic mud for permanent and rain
- 10 purchases + sawmill
- Own textures by Nismo
- Two objects in the store - piggery and shed added to the map with permission from Danielx321
- Two towns
- Polish climate
- The possibility of drawing water from the lake
Tested on game version 1.5.x