Village of Molokovo Map - the map was created based on the locality of the same name in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region. The village got its modern name in honor of Vasily Sergeyevich Molokov, a native of these places, a famous polar pilot who saved the Chelyuskin residents and participated in air expeditions to the North Pole.
Features Village of Molokovo Map:
- 93 Plots to be purchased.
- 29 fields of various shapes.
- Lots of forest.
- Beautiful landscapes.
- Sand quarry, limestone quarry.
- Railway with two locomotives.
- The updated Molokovo Village map is fully adapted for FS19 gameplay and supports the Season mod.
- New territories are available on the map, a second base for equipment, old and new manufactures, as well as a sand pit with sand.
- For the normal operation of production facilities, a modification of GlobalCompany is required, as well as a KAMAZ and ZIL equipment pack for transportation and sale of products (everything is included).
Changes in v2.0.4:
- Integrated beading machine at the sugar factory;
- Various edits and changes;
- recommended new save game.
Tested on game version 1.7.x