UMRV Map - is a conversion from FS17 to FS19 game with permission from DR Modding original author.
Features UMRV Map:
- 4X size map
- Seasons ready with snowmask
- Seasonal textures
- Added crops (Wet corn, alfalfa, milo, rice)
- Alfalfa that re-grows multiple times per season
- Proper crop destruction for wheat, barley, canola, corn, etc.
- Multi-terrain angle
- Working sellpoints
- Working door/gate animations using original FS17 buildings
- Field dimensions added (aka, missions!)
- Trees in the forests thinned out to help improve FPS
- Added sellpoint for chaff, for those that don't want to mess with making silage like me. Custom harvest your maize/corn and sell it right away!
Map runs good, but some foliage textures can work your computer. If you get poor FPS because of the crop textures, copy your base-game foliage folder to the map folder and it should improve.
Animals were removed, but space left for FS19 placeables to fill the gaps back in.
Traffic system and some small details in town were removed to help fix errors and performance.
Crops info:
- Wet corn: for combining. Must go through "dryer" to convert to regular corn to sell. Dryer is included in pack and on Nexus.
- "Maize" is the standard ingame corn. This is textured to represent forage corn for silage, will stay green at harvest and yields well through a silage harvester.
- Alfalfa: leaves a "grass" windrow so that it dries using seasons. However, use it, because it yields higher than regular grass!
- Do not use clover or SudanGrass crops. they were brought over but I did not activate them so they won't grow or be useable
Tested on game version 1.5.x
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