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Mercedes-Benz GLE v1.0 for FS19

15 January 2020 admin 1 478 3
Category - Cars
Version game - v1.5.x
Credits: -

Download mod passenger car Mercedes-Benz GLE v1.0 for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.

Mercedes-Benz GLE - mod add a high quality car for FS19 game.

Features car Mercedes-Benz GLE:
- Power: 518hp;
- Speed: 260 km / h;
- The volume of the fuel tank: 90 l .;
- Price: 113000€;
- Select the primary color;
- Working lighting;.
- Good physics
- Quality appearance
- the model has own interior
- the model has own wheels
- the model has own sound
- animated parts
- Mirrors
- Work light, turn signals
- Moving parts in work
- The dust and traces of wheels
- Dirt / Washable
- detailed model

Uploading again on other websites is not desired.
My approval is required for the reproduction and / or modification of the models for the purpose of republishing.

Tested on game version v1.5.x

Screenshots with «Mercedes-Benz GLE v1.0 for FS19»
Mercedes-Benz GLE v1.0 for FS19 Mercedes-Benz GLE v1.0 for FS19

Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Mercedes-Benz GLE v1.0 for FS19»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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Tags: Mercedes, Benz, FS19

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  1. Phil0510
    24 May 2020 13:09 | 0 | 0
    + 0 -
    Hallo coole mod habe privat frontblitzer und diverse andere kripo Erweiterungen angebaut aber weiß nicht ob ich die mod zum Download stellen Darf
    Mfg phil maruhn 
    1. admin
      24 May 2020 14:06 | 116 | 8 212
      + +1 -
      You can submit here ​https://farmermods.com/addnews.html​​​ or just upload to sharemods.com or modsbase.com and put here download links.

      Best regards!
  2. Phil0510
    30 May 2020 21:20 | 0 | 0
    + 0 -
    Ich möchte die mod erneut hochladen Nur mit weiter Modifikationen