/ FS25 Mods | FS22 Mods | FS19 Mods » Maps » Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19

Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19

6 June 2021 admin 21 395 4
Category - Maps
Version game - v1.7.x
Credits: -

Download mod Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.

Hof Bergmann Map - Beautiful countryside under a farm with many small details. Starting with a well-designed PDA with new icons and ending with many buildings and a beautiful landscape.

Features Hof Bergmann Map:
- 15 fields and several meadows;
- Many points of sale;
- Various triggers;
- The card is suitable for various types of activities;
- Traffic and pedestrians;
- The archive needs to be unpacked. Inside, the card itself and many recommended mods that connect as desired.

Content of the pack:
- Farm Bergmann Map
- Hof Bergmann Map - BaleStorage Addon (Attention only works in SP)
- Various starting vehicles

Changes in v1.0.0.8:
- The designation of the straw store above the pigsty was wrong. This has been corrected
- The l10n headings text from the gas bottle store was incorrect and was therefore not displayed correctly
- Speed cameras can be deactivated again as usual
- Sack Mission at the cattle trade corrected
- Fixed beacon of the biodiesel production plant
- Silphie (chopped) entered in the price overview because it can be sold at the cattle trade
- Description text on the converted Michieletto AM19 cattle trailer was missing, this was corrected
- Removed floating decal in the air
- Hose connections on the greenhouses were fixed (only available again with a new savegame, otherwise use the trigger filling first.)
- New fill type for cooking oil (old) added, this is now used when collecting from the Ibc tanks in the inn etc.
- (prevents you from being able to sell collected cooking oil again)
- "Warning: FillType ' nil 'undefined for foodGroups of' SHEEP '. Ignoring it! " was fixed
- Sugar beet was removed from pigs feed mixer (it is not common to produce pig feed from whole sugar beets)
- Name for beet pulp Big Bags was missing.
- Typo in the name of vegetable oil corrected
- Buyable IBC tanks with RubinTT, liquid fertilizer and herbicide now disappear when they are empty

Tested on game version 1.7.x
Last edited by: admin - 6-06-2021, 22:40
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.0.0.8

Screenshots with «Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19»
Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19 Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19 Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19 Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19 Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19 Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19

Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Hof Bergmann Map v1.0.0.8 by Farmer_Andy for FS19»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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  1. Marcin Ogorzelska
    22 October 2019 23:02 | 0 | 0
    + 0 -
    nie jestem robotem
  2. Sivak Attila
    20 December 2020 00:25 | 0 | 0
    + 0 -
    Preco sa nemoze stahnut hof bergman mappa . uz kazdi ma tu to mapu.poslite mi kod na stahnutie hof bergmann mapi.alebo to kupim za 50.euro.

  3. giacomo
    16 June 2021 22:05 | 0 | 0
    + +1 -
    io mappa è bellissima
  4. tiberiu
    1 November 2021 20:12 | 0 | 0
    + 0 -
    very nice dis map