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Animal Worker Mod v2.2 by Tunnelrat for FS19

1 July 2019 admin 1 177 0
Animal Worker Mod v2.2 by Tunnelrat for FS19
Category - Other mods FS
Version game - v1.4.x
Credits: -

Download Animal Worker Mod v2.2 by Tunnelrat  for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.

Hire a Ranch Hand to feed, water and bed your animals for a small daily fee.

Daily at 7am the worker will:
- Fill the water trough and straw bedding for all your animals.
- Feed all your animals based on number of animals
- Charge a daily fee of 5% + base cost (in settings) + number of animals

Changes in v2.1:
- Optimized performance, and fixed typos.
- Added key binds and GUI menu to configure settings.
- Left Alt + 0 to toggle worker status; Left Alt + NumPad 0 to open settings menu; (must be on foot)
- All settings can now be configured in-game (active, fee, base cost, capacity, clean pens)
- Added more language files for 4 total languages (English, Dutch, French, Spanish)

New in Version 2.1

 - Set worker to active by default and added 2 more settings to clean the pens and how to fill troughs.
 - Settings file is in your modSettings folder (modsSettings/animalWorker/animalWorker.xml)
 - Fixed expenses, now listed under Animal Upkeep, also configurable.
 - Now uses all feed types. Serial consumers (cows/pigs) get rations based on consumption.
 - For less feed set fillToCapacity to false, they will only get daily rations per animal; enough for 6 days. Set to true to fill the troughs.
- Multilingual description
- Multiplayer compatible

New in Version 2.0
- Feeds all animals one type of food based on 6 days of consumption per animal per weight. (Doesn't completely fill the trough)
- New settings XML file in modsettings folder to configure animal worker is active, base price per animal (to feed) and fee.
- Costs are added daily at exactly 7 am and printed out in the dev console, along with number of animals fed.
- Multilingual description
- Multiplayer compatible

Bugs / Conflicts
- No known conflicts at this time. (Still works with Animal HUD, Animals Clean, Animal Pen Extension and Horse Helper).

Upcoming Updates
- Add configurable food fill amounts
- Add input binds to Activate/De-activate the worker
- Add option to sell eggs, milk, manure, slurry, wool
- Spawn in worker with correct vehicle and change rate to hourly, making him drive to/from sell/buy points for realism. (Maybe...)

Tested on game version 1.4.x

  • Animal Worker Mod v2.2 by Tunnelrat for FS19
  • Animal Worker Mod v2.2 by Tunnelrat for FS19
  • Animal Worker Mod v2.2 by Tunnelrat for FS19

Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Animal Worker Mod v2.2 by Tunnelrat for FS19»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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