AI Vehicle Extension Mod - is an alternative employee who can work with fields of any form. It has some additional features, such as a circular mode of operation and support for different types of U-turns. This mod is automatically installed in all vehicles if they already support a regular employee. An exception is the articulated frame technique.
New User Interface
The idea behind the new user interface is to move as many settings as possible into new settings dialog. This dialog uses standard elements. Only those options needed for visualization or intermediate action are still available in the head up display (HUD).This is the new setting:
- H: Start or stop the hired worker
- Left shift + H: Open the new settings dialog
- Left control + H: Open the head up display
- Left alt. + H: Enable or disable automatic steering
- Left alt. + V: Raise or lower all tools
- Left alt. + 6: Swap side
Changes in v0.0.7.1:
- Translation to Brazilian Portuguese
Tested on game version 1.5.x