Features tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac 700-900:
- the model has own interior
- the model has own sound
- the model has own wheels
- front work, rear work and highbeam light
- Working lights
- The dust from the wheels
- Traces of wheels
- Dirt / Washable
- detailed model
- animated parts
Other info:
- The basic model comes from Bremi456 (FBM Team).
- The Trac is available as silver thistle and in original color.
- Tire selection: Nursing tires and slightly wider road tires
- Rims color choice
- DH
- forest cage
- Front loaders
- different engine configurations
- Exhaust orginal and for freaks big pot: love: (not quite real)
- This is a beta version, so not quite perfect. Become him by your comments / suggestions / criticism try to optimize.
- Log is error free