Mod agricultural Tractor Fendt Vario 300 v1.0 by FBM Team for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.
Features tractor:
- Color choice (body, rims, front loader console)
- Tire selection (Trelleborg, Nokian, Michelin, Mitas)
- RUL selectable or not
- Frontladerkonfiguration (Stoll or Alö console)
- Motor Configuration (310, 311, 312, 313)
- Model was split in Maya and reassembled in the object construction style
- Heck window to open
- Roof hatch to open
- Working dashboard
- Working lighting
- the model has own interior
- the model has own sound
- the model has own wheels
- front work, rear work and highbeam light
- Working lights
- The dust from the wheels
- Traces of wheels
- Dirt / Washable
- detailed model
- animated parts
If you expand things from the Fendt and you let the mod to DL appear, please write me in the credits.
Tested on game version 1.3.x
Tractor Fendt Vario 300 v1.0 by FBM Team for FS19

Category - Tractors
Version game - v1.3.x
Credits: - Giants Software, FBM-Dani-86, FBM-puma, FBM-Lukas2002, FBM Team