Mod Trailer MVU-8 (МВУ-8) v1.0 for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.
Features trailer:
- Price-5140.
- Working speed - 15 km / h.
- Body capacity: 11000l.
- Fertilizer spreading / working width: fertilizer (mineral fertilizer) - 20 m., Lime (lime) - 12 m.
- Choice of color of a frame, body, disk of wheels.
- Two types of wheels: old model, euro wheels.
- Category Trailers
- the model has own wheels
- brake back light
- The dust from the wheels
- Traces of wheels
- Dirt / Washable
- detailed model
- animated parts
Tested on game version 1.3.x
Trailer MVU-8 (МВУ-8) v1.0 for FS19

Category - Trailers
Version game - v1.3.x
Credits: - MAC, stefan, DiZik, ANDREI1994