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Tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac Pack v1.4 for FS19

11 March 2019 admin 3 496 2
Tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac Pack v1.4 for FS19
Category - Tractors
Version game - v1.3.x
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Download mod Tractor Mercedes-Benz Track Pack v1.3 for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.

So here is the much awaited V beta of the MB Trac which I can provide thanks to BM Modding for the 19er!
The tug is still Beta, as there are still some construction sites and he is not quite on the 19th level! However, PBR is now available!
But you can use it already Prima and he stands out strongly from the previously converted tractors.
He got a completely reworked sound from PeterAH [FBM], which has become really SUPER!
For the sound to work properly players have to use the FS19_KeyboardSteer to put the gearbox off!
Also a big thank you to BR Mod Performance, who has always advised and supported me with little things.
Also, I thank all the others for your cooperation! 

Features tractor:
- the model has own interior
- the model has own sound
- the model has own wheels
- front work, rear work and highbeam light
- Working lights
- The dust from the wheels
- Traces of wheels
- Dirt / Washable 
- detailed model
- animated parts

Changes in v1.4:
- Fixed errors with the worklights (now all reallights light up even with low graphics setting)
- Additional worklights configurable
- 2400er Intercooler with 280 HP added
- Mirror and discs revised
- Forstrahmen configurable
- Speed display more readable
- Rul beams removed
- Ports for Stoll Super 1 from Bremi456 added (front loader can be found here: forbidden-mods.de/filebase/file/4733-fbm-team-stoll-super-1/)
- Sound a little quieter
- Tire configurations changed, are now mostly 30 inches
- Tug displaces now also the fruits and grass

Changes in v1.3:
- Driver animated
- purchasable toplights from BR Mod Performance
- Selectable dynamic LED Rul from TschiZack
- Terra tires from Michelin and Mitas
- new air filter
- Fixed dynamic hoses
- Prices adjusted, etc.
- sound adjusted again by PeterAH [FBM]
- Exhaust smoke revised by PeterAH [FBM]

Changes in v1.2:
- unknown changes

Tested on game version 1.3.x

Screenshots with «Tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac Pack v1.4 for FS19»
Tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac Pack v1.4 for FS19 Tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac Pack v1.4 for FS19 Tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac Pack v1.4 for FS19
  • Tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac Pack v1.4 for FS19
  • Tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac Pack v1.4 for FS19
  • Tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac Pack v1.4 for FS19

Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Tractor Mercedes-Benz Trac Pack v1.4 for FS19»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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  1. matej
    10 November 2019 20:01 | 0 | 0
    + +1 -
    good tractor
    1. admin
      11 November 2019 00:37 | 116 | 8 212
      + +1 -
      I'm agree with you here.  blush