Download mod Kiwi Farm starter map 4x v1.3 for FS19 | Farming Simulator 19 game.
Here is a new update for the map Kiwi Farm Starter Map 4x added in FS19 game.
Hi, I have been asked to do a blank 4x map with sell point triggers set up. I have them spread around the map and all work fine as in pictures supplied, I have added fields without trees,(There is a forest in bottom right where port 1 is. I have added a farm whith Chickens, Sheep, Pigs, Horseres and cows to start you off. I have onlt done a coupls of roads around selling areas so roads can be removed in paint mode This map I made for those that want to build the map ingame to how they want it. If you have any negative thoughts on how this map is not to your liking, Delet it. This map was request to be like this. Enjoy
NOTE: When you add this zip file to your mod folder, DO NOT rename file. you will loose some sell points and have errors.
I only upload to, so if its on the sites I wont be able to fix problems you may run into. Thanks for uploading.
If this map is not to your taste, Dellete it. Everyone else. Enjoy
Changes in v1.3 Multifruit Update:
Hey guys, Well I have spent some time on this now and I would like to thank B.O.B (FarmWrangler for his input and for testing the map out for me. Also and big thank you for those who gave feedback on small problems they came accross playing earlier versions. I have left feilds open as I planed to let you guys change it ingame to suit how you would like it. All sell areas are fenced in. Here are a few notable things that I've done besides background work.
1. Fix Poplar missing.
2. Add Multi Fruit and Fruit hud colour pictures.
3. Fenced and added barrier gates to selling areas.
4. Added farm houses to map boundary.
5. changed farm ownership areas to 4 small feilds.
6. Redone all feilds and redone farmlands from scratch, so ownership land is up to roads that surround feild.
7. Added multi Fruit silo in zipped file and gps along with map. You have to unzip file you download and put 3 zipped files into your mod folder.
8. This map will NOT run properly if you have Tardis mod in file.
9. Added hay loft as requested but you can sell it if you like as multi fruit silo takes those.
Changes in v1.2.1:
Afternoon everyone. I'm still doing work on multi fruit version which will be next. I have done this one for grain station selling point fixed. I have been asked to have a larger Harverster and seeder, So I added them in from this version forward. I did a little back ground work on this version. Have feed your animals a bit of tucker as you will need to start fresh on this one.
Sorry for the delay, I didn't want to release this until I had done most dirt roads done. There are a few little changes you will see from last version. This is my first map build so thank you for your patience. Enjoy. Cheers. Cazz64
P.S. if there is a fs19 map modder out there that could help me with a few minor hicups I have, please leave a comment below. Cheers
Changes in v1.2:
1, Error message fixed.
2. Fixed Vehicle sell trigger at shop.
3. cleaned up everything under map.
4. Now have 15 sell points around the map.
5. Asphalt and dirt roads all lead to different sale triggers. (Roads can be removed)
6. Spruce and Pine trees have been added along main roads. All can be cut when you buy the land.
7. Have increased forest size by 3x.
8. Cleared out all floating objects.
Changes in v1.0.1:
1. I have fixed sell trigger at shop,
2. I have added farmlands now. So you only have one fiel with some grass. (You also own the BGA land so you can sell there off the bat. Don't forget that you only get paidout at midnight from BGA).
3. I have added rocky boundry around boundry map.
4. Readjusted boundry collision around map.
Donation link:
Tested on game version 1.3.x
Kiwi Farm starter map 4x v1.3 by Cazz64 for FS19

Category - Maps
Version game - v1.3.x
Credits: - Giants Software, Cazz64
Simple steps to install FS22 Mods:
- Download the mod «Kiwi Farm starter map 4x v1.3 by Cazz64 for FS19»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
- Download the mod «Kiwi Farm starter map 4x v1.3 by Cazz64 for FS19»
- Copy the mod in ,,My Computer> My Documents> My Games> Farming Simulator 2022 > mods" folder
- Start the game, activate the mod
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